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Hi! I'm having a little trouble. I get this same email daily, but when I try to follow the instructions (creating a MyPers account, then trying to take the link) the link to the Vpc Dashboard never works. Since this arrives daily, I'm pretty sure there's something I need to be doing, but I cannot get to it. I just finalized my application two weeks ago, and my quals were all listed/approved last week. Here's the content of the email:

The following personnel requests (type and number) are pending your review and action:

Evaluations: 1

These totals were valid as of 2/12/2018 5:12:14 PM but may be different when you log in for any of the following reasons:

1. New requests have been submitted or existing requests have been reassigned to you.

2. Another member is assigned to the same role and already completed the requested action.

3. The Air Force member updated their request (example: Change Date or Withdrawal of a Retirement).
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