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Teaching Jobs on Teachers.Net

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This chatboard has helped me so much, but I have read conflicting advice about USA Jobs. Although some posts have recommended that we "also" apply to USA Jobs, it seems that the USA Jobs site merely routes us to the dodea application--the one to which I (and many of us) have already applied. I'm worried that I am missing something, but it is my understanding that USA Jobs does not actually provide an "additional" place to apply--it's the same application, same office, same everything? Perhaps, at one time, it was an additional way in, but now it is combined?? Is there anyone who can clear this up?
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WaitingOnDoDEA Can someone post the EAS link so I/we can make sure we are at the right spot?
Apr 15, 2018
Leo This is the link below the USA jobs post:

IMPORTANT INFORMATION: If you are interested in applying, please follow this link, do not apply via USAJOBS. Link:

Applications submitted to USAJOBS WILL NOT receive consideration.
Apr 15, 2018
WaitingOnDoDEA Thank you so much, this is the site I applied on. The job I applied for through USA jobs, specifically said to apply through USA jobs. Either way, I am qualified on EAS for the same job field, as well as general education jobs.
Apr 15, 2018
HelpOthers Thank you, Leo, I had not seen the positions that indicated not to bother applying through USA Jobs. I still suggest people set up automated e-mails or check USA Jobs regularly in case this ever changes for the teaching positions. I know I have seen some teaching positions posted in USA Jobs where the applicant was expected to apply through USA Job...See More
Apr 16, 2018

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