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I have reactivated my teaching license, and just obtained a formal copy from the Dept. of Education. Where do I upload this document (to EAS or USA jobs).

Also, this might be a common sense question, but the pay scale is broken into levels 1-18, along with subcategories for degree qualifications. What dictates the level you will fall into upon hire (is it years of experience?). Or do all new hires start at level 1. Sorry if this question is redundant or obvious.

Thank You
HelpOthers You need to complete an application in EAS. If you have an active application in EAS, one of the tabs has you upload several different documents including the teaching certificate, which is usually from your state's Department of Education, not the US Department of Education. If you also have an application active in USA Jobs, you can upload this d...See More
Apr 23, 2018
Ida Additionally, degree qualifications are based on college hours completed and degrees received. In order to qualify for Master's Plus 30 for example, you have to have a Master's degree and then complete 30 hours of master's level credit after you received your initial degree. For Bachelor's plus 15 (or whatever the number is, I forget), you need 15 ...See More
Apr 23, 2018
SocialStudiesLivinginJapan Mary and Wilma, thank you for the quick and thorough reply. I already have an EAS application completed with appropriate recommendations, which have been approved. The teaching certificate will be re-activated from the State of North Carolina. I have also completed the Masters credits. I will have 6 years of experience added to my license, so it so...See More
Apr 23, 2018
haha Based on past practices, your international school experience should be counted. Your experience in Japanese Universities could go either way. My first impression would be no but someone posted recently that their university teaching experience was counted by DoDEA so all you can do is submit it and hope for the best.
Apr 23, 2018

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