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FYI, there is a little bit of news on the new tax on moves. not good for new hires or those leaving the DoDEA.

full text of the unions update:

We wanted to update our members about the situation involving taxes on relocation and other travel expenses.

Last week, the General Services Administration issued a memo (available here) offering additional information and guidance on some of the tax issues that have arisen as a result of the new tax law enacted last year.

The GSA memo authorizes agencies to pay Withholding Tax Allowance (WTA) and Relocation Income Tax Allowance (RITA) to cover "substantially all" of the increased tax liability for relocation expense reimbursements paid directly or indirectly to employees who are transferred "in the interest of the Government" from one official station or agency to another for permanent duty.

FEA interprets this to mean that current DoDEA employees who are reassigned/transferred from one DoDEA locatio...See More
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someday Leo.. I am thinking every angle here but remember you don't necessarily owe taxes on this. It ends up becoming income. If they do take taxes from payroll, etc you may get it back at tax time. I am going to do everything possible to reduce taxable income this year if I am going to lose the money anyway it is better to max out TSP (401k) get an FSA a...See More
May 27, 2018
Leo @someday, Good point. Thanks!
May 28, 2018
HelpOthers 20% tax will automatically be pulled as part of the move up front- so it won't wait until you file taxes.
Jun 1, 2018
someday From what are they pulling the money? It makes sense if you are given a chunk of cash and they reduced the payment by 20%. Which I would happily do instead of paying taxes on government moving costs. I might get some back at tax time if they take it, hopefully.
Jun 1, 2018
Whisper I can't speak to how the new system will work, but here's how it worked when we PCSed last year: We paid our travel and lodging expenses up front and we were reimbursed a month or two later. Then when we filed our taxes in April of this year, we got a HUGE tax refund. I can only assume that the tax on our moving expenses had been withheld from my h...See More
Jun 1, 2018

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