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I have a question regarding the application process of DODEA. I am currently earning my MAT and completing student teaching. I know being a first year teacher makes it more difficult to get into DODEA. I will be a certified Secondary Social Studies teacher. Are there many Social studies jobs open? Can anyone offer me advice to make my application stand out? It is my absolute dream to get in. I appreciate any and all help! Thank you!
Ida I think that Social Studies is a common certification for people to have. Besides experience in general, if you can get AP certified that would help. Particularly Comparative Politics as next year there will be a push for that and not a lot of people traditionally do both.
Nov 11, 2018
haha Agree that SS is fairly common. Also, many SS new hires are required to teach other subjects/have other certifications. At a minimum, try taking an AVID workshop since I've seen quite a few SS/AVID combos.

Other than that, virtually any other subject area you could add would be helpful, so take a look at your transcripts and see if you hav...See More
Nov 11, 2018

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