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Teaching Jobs on Teachers.Net

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Hi everyone with the movement within DODEA has there been any K-12 Media Specialists opening pop up?
RJ I've interviewed three times and received decisions anywhere from the day of to weeks later. This is my third job in DoDDS, so I was able to get the job each time. My impression is that if you have the job, they will let you know pretty quickly because HR side of things moves very slowly and principals are in a hurry to fill the vacant. However, HR...See More
May 23, 2019
RJ I've interviewed three times and received decisions anywhere from the day of to weeks later. This is my third job in DoDDS, so I was able to get the job each time. My impression is that if you have the job, they will let you know pretty quickly because HR side of things moves very slowly and principals are in a hurry to fill the vacant. However, HR...See More
May 23, 2019
RJ So sorry, this was meant for a different post. I'm not sure how that happened....
May 23, 2019

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