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Is there anyone currently employed or applying who have children with disabilities and/or complex medical needs? I saw a message on here a while ago about an applicant who was given an offer that was subsequently rescinded because of their child's specific learning disability (of course, I can't confirm if the post was true or not). However, it made me wonder: are overseas locations not able to provide good enough living situations for dependents who have these needs/challenges?
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TGIF @jgray1278 and @Hello-Goodbye, Did DoDEA HR share with you the locations where there are EDIS facilities (for children with disabilities) adjacent to central military hospital facilities? There is a directory of EDIS locations and services here:
Jul 16, 2020
jgray1278 @Travel Bug Fran, unfortunately that document that you linked to is old. I do have information that is included in my child's EFMP evaluation that gives information as of the present. I can share some of that individually if anyone needs some information.
Jul 16, 2020
TGIF @jgray1278, Yes, I know it's old. DoDEA has been restructuring and updating program after program for the past several years. Unfortunately, it's a long process and some publications are still outdated. However, sometimes the old publications can serve as a springboard. I'm glad to hear you have some updated information which you can share it with ...See More
Jul 16, 2020
Hello_Goodbye Thank you all for your detailed comments and information! I am glad that I asked this question. I can see I have a lot more to research and consider beforehand.

@jgray1278 - I have sent you an email. Thank you for offering to speak with me about this in more depth!
Jul 16, 2020
TGIF @Hello_Goodbye, Hang in there! You've got a great resource with @gray1278. All the best to you!
Jul 16, 2020

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