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Is the DoDEA website currently down? I've been trying to log on to check my application status all day but none of the DoDEA pages are working.

By relation: I applied and was qualified for four positions on June 9th. I haven't heard a peep about the next step in the process. Should I ask if my application is online and visible? I know they hire over the summer, but nothing has come into my Inbox, spam or otherwise, about the remainder of the process. I wanted to ask if I could get a background check done and have it sent to DoDEA head office to speed along the process. Is there anything I /should/ be doing? I'm just feel like I'm passing over so many other opportunities for the fall and staring down the silence that is this job application process. I really want to be a teacher with DoDEA, so I'm 100% prioritizing this process. It's just gonna be a real kick in the teeth if August 31st rolls around and I haven't lined anything up for September because I'm been holding out for...See More
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svbalog It isn't coming up for us either. I was going to load my Verification of Professional Educator Form to my Application.
Jun 27, 2022
svbalog It isn't coming up for us either. I was going to load my Verification of Professional Educator Form to my Application.
Jun 27, 2022
svbalog It isn't coming up for us either. I was going to load my Verification of Professional Educator Form to my Application.
Jun 27, 2022
haha DoDEA sites often go down for maintenance, etc. fairly often. Keep checking back.

Once your EAS is finalized, there really is not much in the way of communication from HR's end unless there is an issue with your application (and often not even then) unless you are referred for an open position, a principal looks at your application for an ...See More
Jun 27, 2022
uh89 It seems to be working today as I am now able to access my application.
Jun 29, 2022

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