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I've noticed this board seems to not have as much activity as it did a few years ago. Has everyone migrated to another site?
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IsItFriday? DoDEA is a lot smaller than it was ten years ago, a LOT smaller.

A smaller organization has fewer employees, and therefore less people who are interested in contributing to a chat board like this.

The organization also now hires a lot fewer people, so that generates fewer interviews, and less applicants with specific questions abo...See More
Oct 15, 2023
uh89 Good points. But so far this year I've received WAY more job referrals than I've ever received: 8 referrals. I also received 4 emails from principals/asst. principals asking for me to interview which is also way more than I'd ever received. I chose to not interview for any of them this year due to current circumstances at home, but there must be a ...See More
Nov 9, 2023
haha Fair point. Over the years (10-15), with the exception of years with large numbers of excesses and/or school closings, it was commonly thought that there were around 150-200 hires every year. Do we think that that number is now significantly less? Tough to say with my limited experience and the limited traffic on this board (and I don't visit the F...See More
Nov 10, 2023
IsItFriday? I don't like to start arguments, most especially not on a Friday.

But the previous evidence is mostly anecdotal.

Dodea's student population has decreased by many thousands in the last 15 years.

The evidence is rock solid, and available to anyone willing to Google their way through the Dodea website..

The number o...See More
Nov 17, 2023
haha It wasn't entirely anecdotal. When there was a transfer round, you could see the number of positions open for transfers every year and then extrapolate that those transfers would leave that approximate number of holes to be filled by new hires (plus retirements, PCS moves, etc).

I agree that there are fewer students and fewer overall teach...See More
Nov 22, 2023

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