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Sorry, I could not find the answer anywhere to this question. I am filling out a DoDEA application for teaching and I'm filling out the work experience section. It states that your salary is determined by your years of related experience (I'm assuming this is teaching experience) and education level.

It also says, that if you feel that you should be credited for external experience to fill out form DoDEA Form 5013.

A) What is "external experience"? Is this experience not related to teaching? It wasn't clear to me.

B) More importantly, do we need to fill out this Form 5013 for every school or work experience entry in order to get credited for years of experience? Do you not just get credited years of experience based on your work history?

Basically, I'm just trying to figure out will I be credited for my years of experience via what I list in my work experience section, or if I need to submit one of these forms for each of my employers to be credited ...See More
haha Yes, you would fill out Form 5013 for all of your years of teaching (usually one for each employer). Generally, they will only credit teaching experience in a K-12 setting, but occasionally people have gotten experience credit for other jobs (so it doesn't hurt to try and submit something else). DoDEA overseas gives a max credit of 10 years and eve...See More
Jan 11, 2024

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