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Sorry if I posted this before, as I did not see if it went through. So for stateside, there is no housing allowance at all but I think I read the pay is higher for stateside because there is no housing allowance. I am wondering how they determine what your pay is and if the stateside jobs are GS jobs.
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Jay Thank you haha. One last question if you will. I have been getting several referrals for Germany stating I have been referred to the selecting official but then do not hear anything, not even a denial stating that I was not picked for an interview. Does that mean that I am still in the running since I have not received a notice that I was not selec...See More
Mar 5, 2024
Jay Thank you haha. One last question if you will. I have been getting several referrals for Germany stating I have been referred to the selecting official but then do not hear anything, not even a denial stating that I was not picked for an interview. Does that mean that I am still in the running since I have not received a notice that I was not selec...See More
Mar 5, 2024
Jay Thank you haha. One last question if you will. I have been getting several referrals for Germany stating I have been referred to the selecting official but then do not hear anything, not even a denial stating that I was not picked for an interview. Does that mean that I am still in the running since I have not received a notice that I was not selec...See More
Mar 5, 2024
haha Yes, that is kind of a sore spot. The referral means that you are on a list sent to or pulled by a principal and may be contacted for an interview. So potentially good news, but it is hard to know exactly how good. Were there 5 people on that list or 25+?

Also, they often will not communicate that you were unsuccessful in being considered...See More
Mar 5, 2024
Dr. Ali Fant The last two times I worked for DoDEA, I was never interviewed for the job I was eventually hired for. I asked my previous DoDEA Principal and he said schools could draw from newly generated referral lists repeatedly until they felt they had a winner. Years ago, I learned that DoDEA generated lists were ordered from the candidates with the most cer...See More
Mar 14, 2024

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