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I am starting my application for 24/25 SY. I have 13 different certs and I am hoping most of them will transfer to DoDDS. I have picked my locations as Italy and Spain (I know I am limiting myself but I hate cold or damp weather). My question is, what's the policy on bringing in your own supplements/vitamins for those countries. I have an auto-immune disease that is finally under control. I see a naturalpath and get specific stuff from him. I don't want to mess with other things and would like to bring a years worth at a time. Can I do that? Are there restrictions? None are illegal substances or anything like that. Reg. doctors wrote me off when steroids didn't work for me anymore. Thanks for anything you can share with me.
haha No specific information about either of those countries. We used to be in Europe and the situation changed every few years, although there was generally a way to work around most restrictions. Try googling and/or asking questions of the consulates.
Jun 19, 2024

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