How you do provide evidence of a website that features work you have done for Professional Learning Needs portion? If you go to the link it will show my name. Should I just screenshot a portion of my work?
Here's my dilemma: my English classes last semester wrote two full-length "formal" essays, but numerous analytical paragraphs, essay length reading journals--the works. One of the assignments--a literacy narrative--clearly showcases my students as writers. However, the other essay falls in a bit of a grey area: students composed an essay in which they chose one of several schools of lit criticism (psychoanalytic, marxist/social power, etc.) and interpreted the characters/events of A Midsummer Night's Dream through this lens. They are constructing an original argument...but it is in response to literature that we read in class. Same thing goes for an analytical paragraph about what Chaucer is satirizing via one of the pilgrims in the "General Prologue" of the Canterbury Tales. They responded to a prompt, but, again, it was about literature we read in class. Would either of these assignments qualify?
I understand that in ELA courses, it is difficult to make such distinctions, but I'm concerned that I have only one assignment that counts as a "pure" writing prompt!
When indicating Instructional Goals for the unit, do you focus on NGSS goals or National Board Standards here? I have 2 videos using CER for two different purposes in two different units
mscrawford101You focus on the goals for the unit. Period. Whatever they are is what matters. NBPTS could care less if they are CCSS, NGSS or any other standard. It's what you pick as being important for your students.
Good morning! I realized I have a poster in the background of one of my videos that identifies my school name. Would blurring that or making it look like it has a covering over the name be considered unacceptable editing?
Please someone help! I am trying to figure out how and what to submit for Component 2. Has someone completed this component recently who could clarify the criteria for me? Thank you so much!!!!