(1) I partnered with the local university to create a student entrepreneurship program. Demonstrating the need would be a little more difficult with this one since it's extra-curricular. Also, the extra-curricular nature of the program worries me a little.
(2) I partnered with the local university and a company out of New York to start a computer programming class at my school. I think demonstrating the need would also be a little difficult here, but not as hard as in (1). My primary concern with it is the fact that the class doesn't actually start until next year; however, students have already signed up and I could show that.
Does anyone have any suggestions about which of these two sound like a better option for the Student Need segment of C4?
Can anyone give me an example of the self-assessment by 3 different students? It states it can be a rubric or checklist then the next bullet is a transcript of a conversation between students or between a student and the educator. Do you use either or or both?
MarieNot sure. I have students using a rubric and an exit ticket but the exit ticket is for the reading part and the rubric is for the writing part.... Sorry to not be more helpful!
I took that to mean explain when during the unit the Ss completed the self-assessments, how Ss used them to improve, to successfully complete the S.A., etc.
#3 In addition to which point in the unit the SSA was given, providing context can also include a description of the setting in which the assessment was given. For example, was it done during a whole group time, or did you conference with individual students? Did students discuss with each other prior to completing the self assessment, or was it done individually with no collaboration? Did students have a graded copy of their formative assessment when they did their self assessment, or was it a reflection on how well they believed they understood the material? Etc.
#4 Okay I totally misinterpreted this. I thought it was asking for you to give context about the three students. Example- ____ is a typically reluctant writer. She shared on her SS she felt___. This told me___. But as I read comments on HERE, I am thinking I was way to specific about each student . I was supposed to talk in general about how I administered it?
My instructions say "the lesson on which you are focusing should be one that is important for the students at their level of learning and one in which they are likely to be engaged in constructive and meaningful scientific discourse and/or scientific inquiry"
My first video was a small group stations activity where students answered questions on whiteboards around the room. The focus here was on the scientific discourse between students and myself.
For the second I have multiple versions of two lessons and I can't determine which to choose. They both have their pros and cons.
(1) Inquiry-based lab activity where students explore the factors that potentially affect the period of a pendulum. We start out by brainstorming ideas of what things might affect it and then they perform trials to verify if they do affect it or not. This one is not the best video, but it involves a more inquiry-based approach.
(2) Whole class quantitative demonstration where we do a typical end-of-chapter question, but then we actually verify our results with a real setup. I finish the lab with some Plicker questions and discussion. This one is a pretty good video, that involves large group teaching, as opposed to the small groups in my first video, but there isn't as much inquiry involved or discourse. The students are very involved the whole time and I have a few things that I do in the lab to make sure that everyone is getting a chance to participate in a fair, equitable environment. Another problem I have with this one is that I did it in my AP Physics class and the students feel a little too good, if that makes sense.
I've been told that the video isn't as important as your analysis, but I still think it's pretty important. Do either of these sound like reasonable choices or should I try to get another one in before the deadline?
yahoo1967I am also beginning NBPTS in Exceptional Needs. I'm just beginning. I am starting with component 2. So far, I've read the instructions, and I am beginning to read the standards. I am trying to wrap my head around the "question" in component 2. I assume that comes from my data.
I have a multi-age classroom and am wondering if I can focus on just one grade level the knowledge of students and assessment pieces even though it says for Generalists to use the whole class. Any ideas?
Has anyone passed all 4 components from 2014-2017 and then were told you didn't make the weighted score? Although, the weighted score hadn't come out until fall of 2017. What to do next?
BrandiIt happened to me! I made the required score for all 4 components, but missed the weighted score requirement by 5 points. I am going to retake Component 3 since that is weighted the most. I only have to bring my score up by .4 to certify. I have way too much going on this year to retake, but plan on retaking next year.