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Hi all,

I am really struggling with what 2 writing samples to analyze..I'm currently working on more informational text with my kids, so I was thinking a summary? My student struggles with summarizing, but is that substantial enough? Was also thinking of an opinion writing paper? Does hat promote enough literacy if it's a free choice opinion paper? Please advise, I'm stressing over this!!
What Works Hello Amieg84,

The types of writing you mention in your post can both work. Essentially C2 is assessing how you incorporate the Architecture of Accomplished Teaching into your practice. The AAT is the NB version of an accomplished lesson plan. Here is an acronym to help you remember the steps: SSTARS

S=Students (know your student'...See More
Nov 20, 2016
Dherald I am struggling on what to choose for my evidence as well. I teach fifth grade writing to all 90 of my students. We are getting ready to begin a unit on opinion pieces, and I am wanting to use this unit for my samples, but how do I choose what standard to focus on? Do I focus on the writing piece as a whole, or do I focus on one aspect of it (how t...See More
Nov 20, 2016
What Works Hello herald and others,

Choosing the writing samples is important. You want to choose samples that show growth. If you're using opinion pieces, you might choose an early sample and then a later one that shows improvement in the specific skills you've identified as the student's need.

You don't focus on just one Standard. At the b...See More
Nov 21, 2016

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