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I think the NCLB is very unfair. I teach in a low-econmic school and we have so much pressure to teach to the test. But, when the state department comes in they say not to use worksheets, but do hands-on. The test is not hands-on, so how can I meet the needs of my students. I am in a no win situtation. The whole school is punished and the tested teachers are stressed. It is so sad to watch and have to give a test to an EC student, then to make them retake the test, and then go to school in the summer everyyear that they don't pass the test.
Kim/AR/math On 6/28/08, pam wrote: > I think the NCLB is very unfair. I teach in a low-econmic > school and we have so much pressure to teach to the test.

You get to see the test ahead of time? In AR, we don't see the test ahead of time. We teach the curriculum that is laid out for us my our state department. That is not teaching to the test. ...See More
Jun 28, 2008
ohio In Ohio, we don't see the current year test before we have it. What we are given is prior years tests, which are listed on the dept of ed website. I also feel the same pressure to teach to the test. If the scores are not good it is the teachers who suffer.

On 6/28/08, Kim/AR/math wrote: > On 6/28/08, pam wrote: >> I think the NCL...See More
Jul 5, 2008
Spec ed We are only allowed to exempt a very small percentage of Spec ed students. Last year that amounted to two for our school. All other Spec ed students no matter how low, their abilities were took the same test as the rest of the students and then were sub grouped as well.

This policy really hurts the district that my daughter attends. They d...See More
Jul 15, 2008

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