Accelerated Reader
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Hello all! I've been reading some of the AR posts and I can see that there are divided feelings about AR. My situation is this: I will be a first year teacher teaching 8th grade reading. I grew up in a small school district that did not use AR; therefore, I have absolutely no experience with it. The principal basically told me that the school spent a lot of money getting the program, but that doesn't mean I should use it to supplement instruction. In other words, "use the program at least a little bit so our money doesn't go to waste." They told me that the school librarian can help me figure out the program. I'm not really sure what to do.

I read "jme's" post back in March about how she does grades for the AR. I like that idea, but I'm still not sure what to do seeing as how I have no experience with this. Also, what is this about STAR? Is that like a diagnostics from AR so I can see what their reading levels are? That is definitely something I would be interested in doing t...See More
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whit Hello! I can understand that you are very overwhelmed with everything. I feel your pain. I use AR in my classroom. I love it, but IT IS NOT the only thing I use. In order to use AR and understand how it works, I would suggest using it on yourself. Read some books and take the tests. This will allow you to be able to see how you can use AR in your r...See More
Jun 30, 2009
cjf On 6/29/09, Tom wrote: > Safe to say we know what side CJF stands on. The beauty of > teaching is the fact you do it the way you feel best. There is > always opinionated people for and against a certain style. I > base my results on actual use and how I see my students grow, > not a thesis or controlled group regardless if that resea...See More
Jul 1, 2009
Ima Teacher I have used the program for a long time, and I currently use it with my 7th graders. I am certified to train in the use of the program. I focus on trainings for middle and high schools that use it as a graded program.

I would be happy to answer any specific questions for you if you want to email me. I am no longer answering to the board d...See More
Jul 2, 2009
Tom CTF, you make a very good point. All I am trying to say is that someone can find researched based articles for or against any given product. How can they all be correct or incorrect? They are opinions that have scientific proof to state their case. All I am trying to suggest is do more than just background article research. You each have a mind tha...See More
Jul 13, 2009
Carolyn I agree, cjf. I believe it is our duty to remain up to date on current practices and make informative decisions. I think there are too many people out there shilling their wares to educators who accept their products with "blind faith".

I took a workshop this summer, and was all excited about Eric Jensen's Brain Based Learning Theory. Tha...See More
Aug 12, 2009

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