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I am in the process of planning for the year with 6-8 grade students. How do you feel about posting students progress in the room? We (school wide) have each posted the # of points each student has. But I am wondering if that is hindering the use of AR. Some students have absolutely no problem reaching their goals while others struggle continually.

How about just posting when the students have reached their goal for the quarter. Not posting what the goal was just that they had made it? Or any other way to recognize when they reach their goals?

teach4 I like the idea of posting when they reach their individual goal, especially by the grades you work with since I would guess that they don't all have the same number goal. This way no one feels self-conscious about their lower goal, just good about reaching their goal.
Aug 26, 2009
reading coach A personal note acknowledging a student's goal accomplishment would be much more meaningful than public posting. The message could include encouragement for a future goal.

Put yourself in your students' shoes. Would you want your principal posting any professional goal achievements you've made in the staff work room (even if your goal was...See More
Aug 27, 2009

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