Accelerated Reader
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I'm a relatively new teacher (going on my 4th year), and have just moved to a new district where they encourage the use of AR. I'm considering using it for my 8th grade LA class for independent reading, but am unsure of the books available, test content, report info, etc.

Could someone tell me a few of the basics of this program? - What kind of books are available? - What are the tests like? - What kind of information do the reports generate? - How do you determine each student's "level"? etc . . .

Thank you!
Marty THere are many many titles available for the program. It will depend on whether your school physically owns the test on a disk or whether the school as AR Enterprise. If you have Enterprise you woud have access to all test Renaissance has in their inventory.

The tests are comprehension tests only. ALthough the program offers literacy skil...See More
Sep 8, 2009
AR/5th We us AR at my school as the Independent Reading program. The quizzes that we have available at my school are ones that we purchased for specific books from Renaissance Learning. I determine their "AR" level (although it is just a "suggested" level) by doing the Gaites test, although you could find their actual reading level using a number of diffe...See More
Sep 9, 2009

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