Accelerated Reader
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Is there a way for students who struggle in reading to continue Ar in the summer and take test at home or in a public library.
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Marie We always let the kids read one book over the summer if they want to and take an AR test within the first few days of school, but we warn them if they read it in June, they probably won't pass the test so review/reread it right before school starts.

On 11/20/09, Michelle wrote: > Is there a way for students who struggle in reading to &...See More
Nov 21, 2009
How did you control the validity of the quizzing? How can you, with all reasonable certainty, insure that the student who got credit for the quiz actually took the quiz?

How can you, with all reasonable certainty, insure that the child read the book and didn't just sit and look up the answers?

On 11/20/09, teach4 wrote: > This is probably something you have to check with your...See More
Nov 21, 2009
teach4 I guess because we are dealing with third graders entering fourth graders and the fact that we stress the tests should be taken at home the same way as at school we haven't had any problems. I have found that students really can't find the answers successfully in a book unless they have really read the book. We have done this for the last three yea...See More
Nov 21, 2009
I'm REALLY curious -- -- how did the students access the AR program at home?


On 11/20/09, teach4 wrote: > This is probably something you have to check with your > school. I know we set it up so that the students can continue > to take quizzes all summer long - which can be done at home > or the public library.
Dec 12, 2009
teach4 We have a district license which allows students to use AR from any computer, and this includes their home computers.
Jan 4, 2010

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