Accelerated Reader
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Deb, on your last post, you stated I did not post what the specifics were on my issue with AR. Please read my first post and I believe I stated exactly the reading parameters clearly, at least to me. The only thing I did not include was that my son was in elementry school. I have sopken to the teachers and librarian and principal about our issues. That is still in the works of handling the issues. I DO NOT hate AR nor am I tring to bash it. I feel I have legimiate questions and I was here looking for answers or other like issues.

For Marie, I am not complaining about my son reading... I want him to read. My issure is this.... he is not getting the time in school to read that his goal is based on... so that means for him to reach his goal, it requires more reading time at home... that extra reading time at home along with the other homework is causing him to hate reading. It appears to me that that is not what we ( my wife and I and the school) wants to happen. I am looking for...See More
Mr. A Kids are assigned WAY too much reading WAY too early.

My experience is that most of them already hate reading by the time they reach high school, maybe sooner.

The overload on reading leads to dishonesty in reporting, too, so we compromise the kids' integrity, their time, and their appreciation for education as an entity.

...See More
Jan 8, 2010

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