Accelerated Reader
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Great job everyone!

You've managed to run off Ima Teacher, Deb ms/IA, and innocent bystander.

They were three people who knew how to use the program properly and offered advice on how to use it to those who were having trouble.

And, come to think of it, AR Fan hasn't been around either. Although those posts were a little snarky at times, he/she did seem to be very familiar with the program.

There used to be people years ago who posted regularly before Ima & Deb took over as the site gurus, but they were run off the boards, too.

Keep it up! You've almost run off all the people who disagree with you. Way to go!
Fireman Dad On 1/17/10, How many more to go? wrote: > Great job everyone! > > You've managed to run off Ima Teacher, Deb ms/IA, and > innocent bystander. > > They were three people who knew how to use the program > properly and offered advice on how to use it to those who > were having trouble.

Properly by which standards? AR o...See More
Jan 17, 2010
That's a pretty dorky thing to say. Run them off? Really?

When we teach the kids about fact and opinion, it seems like we typically include a line or two of discussion about how if one has an opinion, they need to be able to support it. This then tends to lead to a discussion of how we are all entitled to an opinion. Let's call it the "Let's Play Nicely Talk". Just because...See More
Jan 17, 2010
they'll be back I don't think a few differing opinions will "run off" the teachers. They are clearly knowledgeable in the way their school runs AR and can certainly understand when other schools may lack the training/the will/ or the resources (monetary or otherwise) to run the AR program effectively. (or can they?) On 1/17/10, How many more to go? wrote: > Gre...See More
Jan 17, 2010
Mr. A Seems to me like people should just be able to discuss things on their merits. Oh well.

I don't know much about this "AR" specifically, but it sounds like it has its strengths and its drawbacks like most things in life.

What I do know is that kids have too much homework.


On 1/17/10, That's a pretty dorky ...See More
Jan 17, 2010

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