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Dragon's Egg by Sarah L. Thompson

My DD bought it at the school book fair and wants to use it for AR, but her school doesn't have the test. Her teacher has said that if I either create the questions or find one, DD can use the book-and since this is more challenging than what DD has picked, I want to encourage her to try it and see how she does.
Ima Teacher I looked in one online database and didn't see it there. Is it a lower-level or middle-grades book? I just looked in the elementary database.
Apr 7, 2010
teacher5 It is quiz number 118144 EN, level 4.9, 6 points and the author's last name is spelled wrong-it is Thomson without the p.

On 4/07/10, Donna music/TN wrote: > Dragon's Egg by Sarah L. Thompson > > My DD bought it at the school book fair and wants to use it > for AR, but her school doesn't have the test. Her teacher > has said...See More
Apr 8, 2010

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