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I have not one but TWO kids in my first grade class this year who have surpassed ONE MILLION WORDS in their personal AR account. We're barely into April and actually both of these kids is over 1.2 million and growing, AND a third student may reach the million mark (she's currently at 800K). This is the third year our school has used the web-based AR program and I've never seen anything like this at the FIRST GRADE level (actually my class of 25 currently has about 6.5 million words, also unheard of). I'm wanting to hear from other schools as to whether anyone has seen a first grader accomplish this feat anywhere??
Don't hurt yourself . . . I hate to burst your bubble, but that's not actually all that unusual. Sorry.
Apr 13, 2010
Alan My bubble isn't burst yet...... = ) So, I assume you are a first grade teacher with students who have done this? have colleagues who have first graders who have done this? Please share you experience with me? My district has pretty high scores and pretty motivated students, and I haven't seen this done once yet, so I'd really like to know...See More
Apr 13, 2010
Don't hurt yourself . . . I don't teach first grade. I work in a small district that uses AR in grades 1-12. We have "clubs" for kids based on the number of words read. It starts at 250,000 and goes up from there.

While I don't work with the first graders, I know that some of their names show up in the clubs. We have a "Millionaire's Row" party at the end of the e...See More
Apr 13, 2010
Alan Well then would you mind checking the specifics for me on that.....that is to say, are the first graders joining you because they made "A" club (such as 250K) or because they made the millionaire club? I have seen first graders get to 250K commonly, but the 1,000,000 thing .... no. If you have first graders who have actually read a million words, w...See More
Apr 14, 2010
Don't hurt yourself . . . I already told you. It's a "Millionaire's Row" club. You can't be in a millionaire's club without being a millionaire. I said that the clubs start at 250,000 and go up. Then I mentioned that we had first graders in the Millionaire's Row group.

If it makes you feel better, you can have it. Your first graders are the smartest first graders ...See More
Apr 14, 2010

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