Accelerated Reader
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Students taking Accelerated Reader a quiz at home is strictly forbidden by the software license. This is for obvious reasons. It's not just to stop your students from cheating; it's to stop your cheating students from collecting quiz answers and them sharing them on the internet with other students. In other words, don't set up your program wrong and ruin it for everyone. Quizzes are meant to be taken in a supervised environment regardless of whether it is an AR quiz or a paper quiz on some other subject.

No need to argue. Here is the exact language from the license. If you want an accurate answer, go to the source. I can't believe people on here arguing about the license terms who haven't even read the license. I hope that is not how you teach your students to do research papers. Basing research on hearsay is not acceptable btw.

"Licensee shall not permit student testing or any other student use of the Software or the content of the Software (“Content”) in whole ...See More

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