Accelerated Reader
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Our 4th Gr son has 16 points left to make 1000 AR points this year. He made more than 1000 pts last year in 3rd Gr. We are very proud parents and are interested to know what other kids are achieving in his Grade level.
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NK in AL Thank you for responding and your kind words. He does love reading. We have to have a constant supply of books for him to read, some he requests, some we have chosen based on his preferences.

On 4/26/10, That's amazing! wrote: > That's amazing! I teach 5th grade and few kids get over 250 > points, but remember, it's not just all abou...See More
Apr 26, 2010
Jake On 4/26/10, That's amazing! wrote: > That's amazing! I teach 5th grade and few kids get over 250 > points, but remember, it's not just all about points, it's > about his love of reading. Still, it is quite an achievement! > > > On 4/25/10, NK in AL wrote: >> Our 4th Gr son has 16 points left to make 1000 AR points >> t...See More
Apr 27, 2010
NK in AL On 4/27/10, Jake wrote: > On 4/26/10, That's amazing! wrote: >> That's amazing! I teach 5th grade and few kids get over 250 >> points, but remember, it's not just all about points, it's >> about his love of reading. Still, it is quite an achievement! >> >> >> On 4/25/10, NK in AL wrote: >>> Our 4th Gr...See More
Apr 27, 2010
That's amazing! In most cases, barring any special needs, I don't let my 5th graders read books worth a point or less unless that is all they have left to get at the very end of the marking period in order to reach their goal.

On 4/27/10, Jake wrote: > On 4/26/10, That's amazing! wrote: >> That's amazing! I teach 5th grade and few kids get over 2...See More
Apr 27, 2010
CS in MS On 4/25/10, NK in AL wrote: > Our 4th Gr son has 16 points left to make 1000 AR points > this year. He made more than 1000 pts last year in 3rd Gr. > We are very proud parents and are interested to know what > other kids are achieving in his Grade level.

Our 3rd gr son has achieved just over 1,000 pts this year. He loves to rea...See More
May 15, 2010

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