Accelerated Reader
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Hello! I am going to be a new teacher. My classroom computers are currently down so I have no way to find the ar levels of my own personal classroom library. I was wondering if anyone knows, are the grade level equivelents posted on in the book finder the same as AR levels? Thanks for your help!
Ima Teacher They are not the same. Sometimes they are, but they are not consistent. I looked up five books on Scholastic and AR. Two were the same.
Jun 29, 2010
Deb ms/IA What if you try this site... Ar Book Finder [link removed]

Also posted in the blue link below this post.

Deb ms/IA
Jun 29, 2010
new teacher Thank you both! I appreciate the time you took to respond. The website will also be a big help while my computers are down. I will have to work hard to redo half of my library (my new school is ar and I believed that scholastic had the right levels). Wish me luck; I have over 600 books.
Jun 29, 2010
teach4 Scholastic guided reading matches Fontus and Pinell (sp?). Good luck leveling - I find that a book can often have at least 3 different levels!
Jul 2, 2010

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