Accelerated Reader
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This chat board is supposed to acknowledge that AR helps are kids excel. Unfortunately with experiences and discussions with sources close to schools, I have realized it is a form of reading (homework) not a program and it is supposed to be utilized as EXTRA credit towards a childs grade. Teachers use it now as a % of the grade not as a program to help excel students. Some books I have seen are not grade equivilant that this program has listed. It is time for parents to take a stand and let schools know they need to teach the aspect of reading not just allow these kids to read a book for nine weeks to get some points off a 10 question test and it's open book which does not allow these kids to focus on what they read just LOOK AT WORDS!!!
Wrong Information It's not a homework program. It is a program to increase comprehension of independent reading. It's designed to be used with 20 to 60 minutes of IN CLASS reading per day.

It is perfectly acceptable to be used as a part of the grade. The AR company has guidelines for that. It's especially used in middle & high schools as a grade. It's ...See More
Jan 10, 2011
A. Caldwell On 1/10/11, Ben Mireled wrote: > This chat board is supposed to acknowledge that AR helps > are kids excel. Unfortunately with experiences and > discussions with sources close to schools, I have realized > it is a form of reading (homework) not a program and it is > supposed to be utilized as EXTRA credit towards a childs > grade....See More
Jan 20, 2011

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