Accelerated Reader
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I'm totally thrilled with the AR reading program. My daughter went to a school that did not have the AR program. When she first learned to read she loved it. She was so thrilled to read a book to anyone. In first grade, the kids discovered how to speed read. She continued doing that in second grade. I would ask her questions about the book and she couldn't tell me about the book. We changed our daughters school. When she started taking AR quizzes. She was terrible. I spoke with the teacher and we came up with a plan together. She was to read the book to herself first, then read the book outloud to me. I would come after school and watch her take the tests. It was best for me to see how well she comprehended the book. In no time, she went from a 65% to 70% to 95%. It was a hard road for her and I both. But she is now in third grade and reading Harry Potter book and getting 100% on them. I'm so thrilled with the AR program. I wish there was a summer program.

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