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Distance Learning Philosophy and Real Students

Teaching (teacher centered) was the old.
Learning (student centered) is the new.

Philosophy of Education, 2005

The 'one room schoolhouse' has returned. No campus is
needed. Distance learning students are highly motivated or
they would not enroll. These students must understand that
to be successful, they need realistic goals, good study
habits, self-motivation, and persistence to be awarded a
The successful distance-learning university has new
responsibilities in a new environment. Graduates from a
good distance-learning university will be superior
prospective employees compared to normal college
graduates. They will have developed self-reliance, high
self-esteem, and persistence after four years of difficult
studying for their degree.
American students from public schools will be at a
disadvantage because they are not prep...See More
Marvin /blockquote>

On 6/10/05, Marvin A. Hodges wrote:
> Distance Learning Philosophy and Real Students
> Teaching (teacher centered) was the old.
> Learning (student centered) is the new.
> Philosophy of Education, 2005
> The 'one room schoolhouse' has returned. No c...See More
Jun 16, 2005

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