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It's all about MONEY. Each time a student fails a test and
is required to take the test a second, a third, etc. that
is about $75.00 to $80.00 each time. Think of the money
that is made. The tests look to be on recycled paper, so
how much expense would that be? Lack of teachers - the
higher learning people need to walk around in the real
world, where the learning disabled, the poverty stricken
live and then make the tests. The ones missing out are the
children who need some common sense thinkers.
There's nothing wrong with the tests. nfm /blockquote>

On 2/03/04, May wrote:
> It's all about MONEY. Each time a student fails a test and
> is required to take the test a second, a third, etc. that
> is about $75.00 to $80.00 each time. Think of the money
> that is made. The tests look to be on recycled paper, so
> how much expense would that...See More
Apr 15, 2004

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