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I saw the posts concering autism and I wanted to add a few
things.. I am not an expert by any means but I meet a woman
who has an autistic child and happens to be a behavioral
specialist JUST for auttistic children... she taught her
own child to read... and also told me that she got experts
that are based in CALI ( we live in NYC) to see here
child... mind you this woman is well off financially and
not only does her child get experts to help but also has a
mother who is specifically trained to help autistic
children... she charges $175.00..so I gues she must be

I also saw a program about this.. and the parents
highlighted ,also hired private behavioral specialists to
come to their home... with the right methods and MUCH
REPETITION....one child was able to go to a " regular"
school... he was helped before he was in first grade..

I do not know what the public schools ...See More
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Mother of an 8 year old autistic boy /blockquote>

My son is 8 years old and was diagnosed with autism shortly before
his 3rd birthday. His pediatrician is also the mother of a
autistic child. Our sons are in the same resource class in the
public school system in our area. They are also a part of the
regular class. We have had to fight the school system for our<...See More
Aug 11, 2007
marjorie /blockquote>

I agree with you 200%/ I have a grandchild 8 years old. He
can bearly print his name. Goes to public school, but
cannot play with the other children. He is in a class of 7
people. 3 of which are in wheel chairs, 2 have feeding
tubes. He will have the same teacher until he goes to high
Aug 29, 2007
David Mcbee center for autistic and learning challenged On 1/26/07, Kami Glaser wrote: > I have a friend who has a 6 year old son who is Autistic. She has > done and gone just about everywhere for help with her son. There is > no one out there that will help her unless her son or someone in the > family dies or gets seriously hurt from his autisim. I have > experianced what she goes throu...See More
Jun 4, 2009
LP On 6/04/09, David Mcbee center for autistic and learning challenged wrote: > On 1/26/07, Kami Glaser wrote: >> I have a friend who has a 6 year old son who is Autistic. She has >> done and gone just about everywhere for help with her son. There is >> no one out there that will help her unless her son or someone in the >> ...See More
Nov 30, 2009
starley I think this post is right on the money. I teach in a school that brags that they are 'full inclusion'. What that means is that all children are placed in a regular ed classroom..no matter what.. The classroom teachers are not trained. They are just regular ol' teachers like me..we have no clue about special needs children and the many diagnosis th...See More
Oct 30, 2011

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