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Teaching Jobs on Teachers.Net

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On my third day at school, I was dismissed from my field
for being gay, and also barred from the building. I am not
sure who decided to "out" me, and why. I am not
an “flaming homosexual”, nor am I a “hard core jock
type”. I am just an average nice guy that wants to be a

Previously all of my placements have been successful, and
I've received some letters of praise.

I really did not want to work in that part of town
because of the underlining prejudice towards gays, but I
took the job anyway. On my second day at the school, the
staff and students questioned me about my personal life. I
didn't give them any real information about myself, and I
didn't lie either. I now believe that someone at my
college sent her a fax that contained information about my
personal life. My only proof is that I remember the format
of the letter that I saw on her desk, and that letter is
...See More
Ellen /blockquote>

Was this from student teaching? What reason did the school
give you for dismissing you? They cannot dismiss you for your
sexual orientation or they could be denied federal funds.
You said it was a job. Was it a job or student teaching? Can
you have your school place you somewhere else?

On 5/28/05, dav...See More
May 28, 2005
Maureen /blockquote>

On 5/28/05, dave wrote:
> On my third day at school, I was dismissed from my field
> for being gay, and also barred from the building. I am not
> sure who decided to "out" me, and why. I am not
> an “flaming homosexual”, nor am I a “hard core jock
> type”. I am just an average nice...See More
Aug 31, 2005
hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm /blockquote>

well i think that it should'nt matter if youre gay,lesbein,
black or white youre just tryin da make a living
Mar 9, 2006
melanie /blockquote>

After reading what you said over I discussed it in my law
class and we referd to other cases such as this one.
Legally they are not allowed to discriminate against you for
your sexual orientation, no employer is. If you are able to
prove that, that was the grounds for your dismissal then you
can take it t...See More
Oct 24, 2006

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