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NAPTA-- National Association for the Prevention of Teacher
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"All that is needed for evil to prevail is for good men to
do nothing."
Edmund Burke

Membership is free.
Join NAPTA now.

Our BYLAWS: To focus on exposing the truth about education
by educating the public with insider information. To do our
best discerning truth from fiction. To protect teachers
from abuse by offering anonymity and support where
requested. To remain open to new ideas with which to force
change in education. To maintain an ongoing dialogue with
teachers. To do all of the above as a not for profit
agency, dedicated to reforming our schools and the teaching

NAPTA Offers Teachers and Parents:
Emotional Support
A Cause to Change Suffering to Meaning
A Level Playing field
Reverse Intimidation
An Opportunity to ...See More

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Subject Areas

Language Arts

Foreign Language