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Teaching Jobs on Teachers.Net

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Just curious how many of you are teaching in high needs
schools, and if so, what are your experiences like, and
what are your reasons for teaching there? I am interested
in working at a Title One school, and would like to hear
what other teachers feelings are on this subject...

Thanks - Valerie
val /blockquote>

hi Valerie,--I'm Val,--I've taught seven years in high needs
schools---the south Bronx and Harlem. My experiences have
been mixed. The overwhelming problems are student discipline
and high staff/administrative turnover. You get a new prin-
cipal every year or two--alot of teachers leave--and alot
of nonsense ...See More
Aug 17, 2005
Rodeo /blockquote>

Your experience in these schools will differ depending on the
subject. If teaching art in those schools is ok, math will be
bad. if teaching art is bad, math will be a nightmare.

What subject do you teach?
Apr 10, 2008
Tom Springfield I student taught in CPS, and subbed all in high need areas. I had complete control even as a sub --but that is keeping them in their chairs and not killing each other.

History was my subject, but I never wanted to teach it, but it was the only degree I could get while working fulltime.

I start a Master of Math Education this fall...See More
Jun 29, 2009

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