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I wish to invite all of America's teachers to please become Facebook fans of "E Cubed Alliance - Expecting Educational Excellence", for our public schools must undergo reform and until we all unite in this effort, we have NO right to complain!
Jennifer Luznar What WE do today determines America's future welfare. For the love of our country and because it will require the involvement of ALL, PLEASE help me help America!
May 13, 2010
Jennifer Luznar With the Internet allowing one to travel miles in mere seconds, I feel that none of the public has any excuse to remain voiceless while our nation’s public school system collapses, so write our officials and please become Facebook fans of "E Cubed Alliance - Expecting Educational Excellence".
May 13, 2010
Jennifer Luznar I strongly believe that when Americans show an interest in our public schools, our DC crowd will reevaluate what should definitely be a priority in our country!
May 15, 2010

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