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I recently received my first formal evaluation as a new teacher of high school Social Studies. I had taught for almost 20 years then worked for the state department of education after that. The formal evaluation is heavily weighted. If deemed "not meeting standards" in two of five areas a probationary teacher will not be reelected the following year. In my evaluation, the vice principal's criteria for not meeting standards was based on a couple of his statements, including: - The lesson did not begin for 3 minutes after the bell had rung. - Students did not know that they were supposed to turn in an assignment (they had been given the assignment the day prior to his visitation with explicit instructions to turn it in the following day) When I offered to provide proof of that (an adult instuctional aide was present when the assignment was given) he declined, saying only that he would only include what he said he had observed. -In a turn and share exercise he indicated that "several stud...See More
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Lynde This is INSANE! How dare these so-called administrators treat ANYBODY this way, much less professional teachers? Who do they think they are? And more importantly, who's training these yahoos? Being an administrator means by definition that you administer programs for the best interests of the mission. What part of this do these idiots not get? No w...See More
Dec 30, 2010
Lynde Don't these employees of the school have anything better to do with their on-duty time than to worry about the perfection of the teachers? Me thinks they need some more paper-work to push.

On 12/30/10, Lynde wrote: > This is INSANE! How dare these so-called administrators > treat ANYBODY this > way, much less professional teacher...See More
Dec 30, 2010
ja I would like to know what the outcome was in regards to the bullying by admins. I have seen this "bullying" used by admins. They love to go by the book of Harry Wong. It is based on the theories of BF Skinner. Unfortunately we are not lab rats but the Bell Work, move in unison to a stated timeframe methods are very popular in the West. Typical also...See More
Apr 4, 2011
Ellen On 4/04/11, ja wrote: > I would like to know what the outcome was in regards to > the bullying by > admins. I have seen this "bullying" used by > admins. They love to go by the book of Harry Wong. It > is based on the theories of BF Skinner. Unfortunately > we are not lab rats but the Bell Work, move in unison > to a stated tim...See More
May 14, 2011
cinzia Dear Ellen,

I believe I saw your posts at the NAPTA website. Perhaps you would contact me one day... I had a severe case of bullying a few years ago and I would like to get some help with closure.


Nov 12, 2011

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