Ed Advocacy
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I am a Massachusetts special education advocate. I have worked throughout Massachusetts in this capacity since 1997. Currently I am a special education advocate for the law firm of Margolis & Bloom, LLP (Boston). I am also the founder of the statewide special education watchdog group, SPEDWatch.

In my work I have discovered that teachers and related support staff seem to have little accurate information about children's special education rights. Teachers are often caught between a rock and a hard place: judged on the performance of their students yet unable to openly advocate for a student with special needs who may need more, or different, services in order to succeed.

I ocassionally do presentations for graduate education students at Lesley University and, to a one, they have not been taught what a district's legal obligations are to students with disabilities; what FAPE, Least Restrictive Environment, and Effective Progress really mean; how the stay put provisi...See More

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