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I am in need of some advice.

The other day I was teaching in class when a student of mine (15 years old) was paged to come to the office to get something she has left at home. I was standing up in the room going over material, and allowed the girl to go to the office. Everyone else was seated, and only the girl and I were standing. At this point, before leaving the room, she walked behind me and hit me in the head with her binder. I immediately turned around and tried to grab the binder, but she did not give it to me. I tried again and got the binder out of her hands.

I requested for her to be removed from my classroom immediately, and that request was denied twice. The only punishment she got was a Saturday School, which is the same punishment for not serving a detention (and a student can get a detention for being tardy to class). I am unsatisfied with this punishment and was wondering what rights I have as a teacher. I do not feel safe in my classroom or confiden...See More
ATeacher Additionally, this striking caused me to have a headache the rest of that day and on into the next day. She hit me in the back/top of the head area.

On 12/12/10, ATeacher wrote: > I am in need of some advice. > > The other day I was teaching in class when a student of > mine (15 years old) was paged to come to the office to ge...See More
Dec 12, 2010
D. Thomas And what was the response from Administration when you asked why she recieved a consequence equivalent to skipping detention?

And, are you a member of a union?

On 12/12/10, ATeacher wrote: > Additionally, this striking caused me to have a headache the > rest of that day and on into the next day. She hit me in the > back/t...See More
Dec 12, 2010
Bill T 6 nc I am new to this board. Never been here before. I had a similar experience a few years back. This is what I did...

I was supervising my own classroom and the hallway just outside, as I was assigned to do, early one morning. We permitted our students to go to their lockers in staggered groups, bottom lockers, then top. It was our standard ...See More
Dec 12, 2010
use as learning experience, next time file formal charges On 12/12/10, ATeacher wrote: > I am in need of some advice. > > The other day I was teaching in class when a student of > mine (15 years old) was paged to come to the office to get > something she has left at home. I was standing up in the > room going over material, and allowed the girl to go to the > office. Everyone else was...See More
Feb 12, 2012

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