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I was so upset for the Art Teacher at the school for the deaf. In Nashville metro schools the specialists are being targeted because most principals are literally very left- brained and don't understand anything about teaching right brain skills. They are either coaches or math teachers it's all about crunching the numbers. Children are scores to these administrators not people. Now while the specials teachers are being bullied,all the office people at our school are "reporting every little inconsequential remark or incident. I used to think our old principal was harsh but she was just strict and kind of a perfectionist the one we have now listens to every negative thing anyone wants to say about someone else. They take themselves to seriously and as she said it used to be a joy to teach Art they have taken all the fun out of work. Backstabbing is rife. The Art Teacher at the deaf school should take a sabbatical and go to Vanderbilt the Special Ed. Deparment is respected nationwide. Sh...See More

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