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I accidently made HP Edit as edit preference and now cannot
get my iPhoto pics to open up in Photoshop. I can slide the
pics down to the bar but I want them to also open up when I
click. I tried preferences but it no longer gives me the
Photoshop option. How do I change this back?
Neal /blockquote>

Do a "Get info" (command-I) a file from the finder.

Popdown the "Open With" box

From "Open With" pick Photoshop, Or browse to Pshop

Click "Change All"

Close info box.

Try a different file.

Good Luck,

On 2/15/08, Katydid wrote:
> I accidently made HP ...See More
Feb 16, 2008
Greg /blockquote>

Are you wanting to edit in Photoshop but use iPhoto to manage the pics? If so,
open iPhoto's preferences and choose the General Tab. In the place where it says
Edit Photo: click and choose a different application. It may say HP Edit already,
just click that and then choose the Photoshop app.

If you are ...See More
Feb 16, 2008
Katydid /blockquote>

I haven't tried it yet but will. Thanks for the responses; you guys rock.
Feb 16, 2008
Ron /blockquote>

This semester I started working with CS 3 extensively and have
noticed an issue with the Mac OS. I use Photoshop at home on a
PC an never have these types of problems.

Anyway, I have my students working on tutorials. Some kids just
blast through them, and then once in awhile a kid starts having
pro...See More
Feb 29, 2008

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