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(I apologize if I am asking this question in the wrong
forum. If I am, perhaps someone would be kind enough to
tell me where I should post it, please.)

Last week my MacBook crashed and I lost everything. (Yes, I
have learned my lesson and I promise to do regular
back-ups from now on!)

I now have a new hard drive, but none of the itunes music I
had bought, or podcasts that I had downloaded from various
internet sites. I hadn't downloaded them onto an ipod or
anything. I just use the laptop. there any way that
I can rettrieve them via itunes, please? If so, how do I do
it? If you can simply direct me to an appropriate web site,
that would be fine. I have tried searching, but most of the
sites I found seemed to deal with transferring to a new
computer when you still had the old one, or transferring
from an ipod to the computer or vice verse.

I'd be most grateful for any advice you are a...See More
Greg /blockquote>

On 3/22/08, (Also)Mattie wrote:
> (I apologize if I am asking this question in the wrong
> forum. If I am, perhaps someone would be kind enough to
> tell me where I should post it, please.)
> Last week my MacBook crashed and I lost everything. (Yes, I
> have learned my lesson and I...See More
Mar 24, 2008
(Also)Mattie /blockquote>

On 3/24/08, Greg wrote:

> Contact Apple via this site
> [link removed] :-)

THANK YOU, thank you, for responding to my post and for the link! I am so grateful.

(And yes - I promise to be a dutiful little backer-up from now on.... Ex-girl scout's

Again, my thanks. ...See More
Mar 25, 2008
Greg /blockquote>

On 3/25/08, (Also)Mattie wrote:
> On 3/24/08, Greg wrote:
>> Contact Apple via this site
>> [link removed]

Did they let you download the songs again?
Mar 25, 2008

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