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I hope someone can help me with a problem. While I'm doing
a long term sub job I had to get a "loaner" laptop (Mac)
because the regular teacher took hers home. The tech person
told me I couldn't get the regular school mail, but to use
some free email, so I set up a yahoo account which I access
thru Safari. Well, for some reason I can only read one
email message then it freezes. I can restart then receive
one message and again same freeze problem. Sometimes it
doesn't even give me the email message but gives me a "no
data received from server" error message. In other words
it's next to worthless! I feel like there must be some
setting I need to change??? ( I contacted the district tech
person and they couldn't tell me how to solve the
problem...guess I'm not very high on their priority list.
lol) But, teaching without a working computer makes me feel
lost ! Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated !
Neal /blockquote>

Generally for security reasons a company box can not be
accessed or worked on by the user. It is not like your "own"

If "getting regular school mail" is essential to your position
I would send a copy of your post to your principal cc: the
head of technology services asking for some solution to...See More
May 3, 2008
sub /blockquote>

Thanks, Neal.
I know you're right...I should have received a computer that
could provide the services/info I need to do the job effectively.
Since there's only 13 more school days I was trying to just "get by"
without "rocking anybody's boat".
I told the tech person that I think they need to have a district<...See More
May 4, 2008

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