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My IPod classic w/ 160 gig of memory is only a few months old. I was listening to it this morning and when I got it out tonight it was frozen on with the screen lit up. The controls don't have any control. I tried accessing it thru Itunes but it didn't register on my computer. Yes I tried the lockout switch to see if I could work it but the results were the same. Tried plugging it in to my car system but it wouldn't register there either. Nothing on the ear plugs either.

I wonder if it will reset itself if/when the battery goes dead?
Neal (M) If it does not help, restore it [link removed])

On 10/06/08, Justa Newbie. Is Neal anywhere nearby? wrote: > My IPod classic w/ 160 gig of memory is only a few months > old. I was listening to it this morning and when I got it > out tonight it was frozen on with the screen lit up. The > controls don't have any control. I tried...See More
Oct 7, 2008
Ron Sometimes it does reset when it goes dead. Here is a link to pages on maintaining your may find a solution here: [link removed]
Oct 11, 2008
Rob im not presicely sure but press a 2 key combo of either play, enter or menu, it wont delete your music so work out which one it is theres not that many buttons!

If there is an unhappy ipod icon and you want to restore it. I found that tapping the top right corner fixes it! Obviously dont smash it down, flicking it has worked for me on two...See More
Jan 3, 2009
jon Yea i had same problem. I just held down the menu, and select (middle button) and i soon got an apple logo. Also letting the battery die seems to fix the problem as well.
Mar 2, 2009

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