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Hello! Anyone come from schools that feature a K-12 Arts event? We're looking to try something where we as a department feature all our kiddos but are grappling with the sheer number of artworks for such an undertaking. Any ideas or feedback from those who do it would be much appreciated!
Dallas_216 n my experience, a great way to involve all the students with different skill set/interests/ability levels is to have one big common theme (it also helps to have one common display location). We used the stage in the cafeteria. We took one full school year to basically build a new planet on the stage. Think of it as a set for a play or a movie. The...See More
Apr 6, 2018
Matthew August Take a look at what I am doing at and I think you might want to consider this project for your school. Thanks, Matthew
Apr 16, 2018

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