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I would like to recommend for both fun reading and even student summer reading the novel "Rainwater" by Sandra Brown. She is typically a romance, mystery, or noir type author, but his one was different. It is almost a novella so that is why I think students would like it for the summer. It is also modern and an very easy read. Yes, there is sex in it, but nothing graphic. (Don't tell the students that. They'll read if they think sex is in the novel. The novel revolves around a single mother running a boarding house during the depression. The government has just past an act to purchase cattle from farmers who can no longer keep their cattle fed. There is a little violence in it, but nothing bad. This novel is good for the American literature/history classes for the historic significance, women's studies for the strong female character, and a discussion of autism and even cancer could be brought up into the class. Unfortunately it won't be available for paperback until 2011, but you coul...See More

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