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Hopefully you are all excited about this coming school year! I know I am my usual excited with an ounce of anxiety! Even after ten years of teaching, I still feel anxious as each new year begins as I anticipate my new classes and all the new faces that will come in my classroom door. Still, I am comforted in knowing the anxiety will go away as soon as I settle in the routine of the school day and that I will then take on the anticipation for the coming school year and its challenges.

For new teachers, or those that just haven't found the comfort of the classroom yet, I wrote a book (A Lesson Plan for Teachers, New and Old) to help with the anxiety. It features chapters on many of the anxieties and problems faced by new or struggling teachers from working with parents and administrators to handling the paperwork required by the "job," including lesson planning, grading, and home reporting. Link to the publisher site to see a listing of chapters and to read a ...See More
Mae in Texas Email me and I will tell you a few things you might want to know. Mae
Aug 3, 2010
test On 8/03/10, Mae in Texas wrote: > Email me and I will tell you a few things you might want to > know. Mae test
Aug 18, 2010

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