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Does anyone read the Jack Reacher series by Lee Chld. I just finished 61 Hours and the ending is not conclusive. It makes you think the author is killing off Reacher the main character. After 10 or more books, I am addicted and hope he did not kill him off. Anyone heard any information on this?
azgal On 9/22/10, Bo wrote: It makes you think the author is killing off Reacher the main character. After 10 or more books, I am addicted and hope he did not kill him off. Anyone heard any information on this? I've been wondering the same thing!! Just finished it myself. Definitely hope he's not dead....
Jan 10, 2011
Nope, not dead..get the next novel...nfm On 1/10/11, azgal wrote: > On 9/22/10, Bo wrote: > It makes you think the author is killing off Reacher the > main character. After 10 or more books, I am addicted and > hope he did not kill him off. Anyone heard any information > on this? > I've been wondering the same thing!! Just finished it myself. > Definitely hope he's no...See More
Feb 14, 2011

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