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In all my 27 years of teaching I have not had a year like the one I just finished. One of my 5 year old girls was such a mean bully to the other girls in my class. she Would criticize what they wore, tried to control who they played with, where they sat even what they could eat if they bought hot lunch. I still don't feel I got to the bottom of what need wasn't being filled for her. Lots of 'come to Jesus' meetings with parents. We made it through the year and hopefully I was able to empower the other girls in my class while at the same time providing positive social skills for the child causing the problems.
DeAnn I can totally empathize with this because I had a similar year in kinder this year. Only my bully was a boy who teamed up with another bully in the class and formed a little gang. They started having bi-weekly meetings with the counselor. I can't say they were cured either. Like you the problem was survived and not solved, but at least they go to t...See More
Jun 2, 2011
VET Hopefully, you will have improved her social skills for the better.

If even after your best efforts, she does not change, just pity the teachers and classmates in later years.

You served your time.

On 6/02/11, sharon wrote: > In all my 27 years of teaching I have not had a year like > the one I just finished. One o...See More
Jun 3, 2011
sarah What is really sad to me is that teachers try to deal with the bully in their class that year (and are sometimes sucessful) but the classmates have to deal with them each year of school. Bullies often continue to bully in every grade. I have had a class full of little girls that bully this year. We have had many class meetings about how to treat ea...See More
Jun 3, 2011
CC I have had the same situation in my Pre-K class. I write up the instigators and turn the reports into the office. I want it on record what these little darlings are doing. I don't remember things being that bad when I was growing up. Do you think this behavior is exacerbated by reality TV?

On 6/03/11, sarah wrote: > > What is really...See More
Jun 4, 2011
Cristina Blaser This year was difficult as I too had K girls who bullied each other. It was unbelievable. Somewhere I found the lesson of a wrinkled heart. Taking a paper heart cut out of construction paper we join together in a group and talk about things that people have said that hurt as they share we fold the constructiion paper heart. As we end the lesson I u...See More
Jun 5, 2011

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