Classroom Websites
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At what age is it appropriate for the teacher to use a classroom website to help run the class? Many young students are as 'tech-savy' as the teachers are so is it asking too much from them to complete homework using an internet link on a class website or using the site for extra practice before a test?
Heather I think it is perfectly appropriate for students in a 3rd grade classroom to have a website that they are able to access! If they are tech-savvy enough to use it, then more power to your classroom.. if not, then it is still something that their parents can use as a reference to things going on in the class!

On 1/23/12, Becca wrote: > A...See More
Feb 15, 2012
Carl My school gives web access to 2-3 year olds. Any age is appropriate if its DAP and within their ZPD! Think iconic representation, image symbols etc
Mar 2, 2012

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